Fierce Shadow Trollers

Welcome! To the one and only trolling clan, feel free to lie down, maybe troll for a while as I walk you through this little course of how to be a successful troller and meet the professionals themselves! 100% not garanteed!

You may click around as you feel, but not find anything useful! Why? Well now, some people aren't the greatest, look at cleverbot, not quite clever if you ask me ;)

You've been trolled! You've been trolled! You have probably been told, don't reply to this guy, he is just getting a rise, out of you! Yes it's true, you respond and that's his que, to start trouble on the double while he strokes his manly stubble. You've been trolled! You've been trolled! You should probably just fold, when the only winning move is not? to play!!! And yet you keep on trying, mindlessly replying! You've been trolled! You've been trolled! Have a nice day!

Tincopper2 | Shadowjosh1